Friday at 5:30 pm

Membership Class
Next Class TBA
The Door Creek Church membership class serves as one of your steps for growth at Door Creek Church. The class is also a requirement for membership at Door Creek Church and is open to those who attend any of our locations. Whether you want to join the church or just want to find out more about who we are and why we do things the way we do, you’ll enjoy getting to know our pastors and each other during the class.
Have you ever wondered about the importance of becoming a member of your church? Is that necessary? Is it even biblical? What's wrong with just being an active participant in the life of the church without going through all the...what's the technical term...rigmarole?
These are great questions, and questions that many have wondered about and that our ministry leaders have been recently discussing as well.
This class is intended for:
- those who would like to become a member
- those who simply would like to learn more about our church
- and those who have ever asked these kinds of questions above!
We’ll spend a Friday night (dinner included) and Saturday morning (breakfast included) together to discuss what our church believes, discover what it means to be a member (you might be surprised!) and learn some practical discipleship helps so we can grow as followers of Jesus. You’ll get to spend time with other Door Creekers and Door Creek Church pastors, who will all be teaching a portion of our time together. We’ll share some great conversation and great food.
Whether you are new to Door Creek Church or have called this place home for a long time, if you are not a member, we encourage you to join us—we are excited for the conversation!
Sprecher Road Campus
QUESTIONS? Please contact Melanie.
Available to all campuses, regardless of what campus you attend or where it is held.