Saturday at 8:30 am
POP-UP: Theology 101
Saturday, Feb. 15 | 8:30-10 AM
Sprecher Road Campus, The Refuge
We are all theologians! We all speak and think words (logos) about God (theos), so the question isn’t whether you are a theologian, but is your theology aligned with the truth of God’s authoritative Word? Join us for a great introduction (or refresh) to theology. We’ll cover an overview of the EFCA Statement of Faith, discuss some important considerations when thinking theologically and close with some Q&A.
Following Theology 101 (from 10 AM–1 PM), anyone who wants can stay to watch and discuss a few of the sessions from the 2025 EFCA Theology Conference—the topic is Theological Anthropology (or what the Bible says about what it means to be human). Lunch will be included.
Jamie Thompson