Bi-Weekly on Tuesday at 9:00 am

Women | Tuesday AM Bible Study (Biweekly)
Seek First the Kingdom: God's Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew
by Christine Hoover
In the confusion and sheer volume of ideas vying for our attention, we must constantly return to the words of Jesus to find our focus, our purpose, and the foundation for a flourishing life. Using parables and stories, Jesus spoke often of the kingdom of God as what matters. In other words, the kingdom of God defines who we are and what we do as Christians. This in-depth exploration of the book of Matthew will help you understand the culture of the kingdom of God—what it is, how we enter it, and the life Jesus offers us within the kingdom.
Every other Tuesday, January 21-April 29
9-11 AM
Sprecher Road Campus
Video Teaching/Small Group Discussion
(Study Guide includes access to study videos)
Childcare available (pre-registration and fee apply).
QUESTIONS? Please contact Leigh.