Want to grow in a group? Use our online tool to see all of the available groups or if you would like help finding a group, fill out this form so we can help connect you!
Classes, groups and events are hosted at all campuses and intended for everyone! If you see something that interests you, you are invited to attend, no matter what campus you call home.
Would you like to see people connect in community and grow in their walk with Christ? Take a step of faith and lead a group. We'll give you tools and resources to help you lead. Contact to learn more fill out the form below.
Do you have the gift of hospitality and do you like to welcome people into your home? Consider being a Host Home for a Life Group. Contact to learn more or fill out the form below and someone will reach out and connect with you.
Whether you want to join the church or just want to find out more about who we are and why we do things the way we do, you’ll enjoy getting to know our pastors and each other during the class.
Have you ever wondered is there more to life than this? No matter your background or views on Christianity, this is the place to investigate the existence of God and the basics of Christianity.
Based on Paul's letter to the Philippians, this class is a practical and positive guide to uncovering in us a new heart, purpose, attitude and a new confidence in the way we can live our lives joyfully.
This is a financial planning program that teaches God’s ways of handling money. This class will help you get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and more!
If you have placed your faith in Jesus, we invite you to learn more about baptism at Door Creek Church.
Join us for an engaging time to grow in our love for and understanding of God’s Word. We’ll explore the Bible’s main storyline, its structure and history, along with how to read and understand it.
Join us to watch the documentary Juneteenth: Faith and Freedom, and a Zoom conversation with Rasool Berry, pastor and the documentary filmmaker, to hear his heart and his journey in making this film.
Every other Tuesday, January 21-April 29 | 9-11 AM
Every other Thursday, January 16-April 24 | 6:30-8 PM
Mondays | 6-7:30 PM
Contact: Brad Zernov
Wednesdays | 6-7:30 AM
Contact: Ben West
Thursdays | 6:30-8 AM
Contact: Mike Collins
Thursdays | 9 AM | Room 200
Contact: Don Millis
Thursdays | 7-8:30 PM | Room 112
Contact: Tom Senger
1st & 3rd Thursdays | 6-7:15 AM
Contact: Shane Adams
1st & 3rd Saturdays | 7-8:45 AM
Contact: James Bellinger
Grow in God's Word with other DeForest area guys. Breakfast is shared every week.
Thursdays, Jan. 7-April 29 | 6-7:30 am
Contact: Scott Landon
Join Pastor David, Northside Madison Campus Pastor, for a weekly men's Bible study at Northside Madison Campus. We study various books of the Bible and welcome any man who desires to grow, fellowship, and take part in outreach ministry.
Saturdays | 9-11 am
The Young Professionals group is for anyone in their 20/30s. We're the group for you if you no longer find yourself living in a dorm, studying for OChem but are still figuring out what "adulting" looks like. We seek to provide a place for everyone in this life stage to build community and friendships through food, fun, and doing life together. We have social events 1-2 times per month. Events range from bowling and board game nights to pumpkin carving contests and taco bar fiestas. Event dates vary by month. We also have multiple Young Professionals life groups that meet biweekly to dig into God's word. Everyone is invited. Come as your schedule allows.
Join our DCC Young Professionals Facebook group to stay updated.
QUESTIONS? Contact Anya Hunter, our Young Professionals Staff Resident.
The Young Professionals and the InBetweeners are going head-to-head for a legendary Family Feud showdown! Join us for a fun-filled evening that starts with a delicious meal. We'll then break into teams, where the real competition begins. Who will come out on top–the savvy Young Professionals or the experienced InBetweeners? You'll have to find out what the survey says!
Start your Sunday with fellowship and a delicious breakfast, featuring Duck Donuts! After breakfast, we'll head to the second service (10:30 AM) to worship together.
Join us for a fun-filled night of competition featuring a guys vs. girls cook-off and other exciting games that will put your skills to the test. It’s the perfect chance to team up and enjoy a great time with friends—you won’t want to miss it!
We're headed to camp! Anyone in their 20/30s is invited to our 2025 retreat—Selah. An Invitation to Pause—at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp! This will be an awesome time to connect with fellow Young Professionals, grow in your faith and retreat from the busyness of everyday life.
Financial assistance is available—email Macy.
QUESTIONS? Contact Macy for more information.
At Door Creek Church, we seek to be a Christ-centered church for all people and we’re big on building community. This is why we offer a community for kids, students, young professionals and our senior adults. But what if you’re the kind of person who’s a little too old to be a young professional, and maybe a little out of place in a senior ministry. Are you an InBetweener?
Well, we’ve got exciting news! Join ”the InBetweeners,” for singles between the ages of 40-65 who don't really fit into the existing ministries. Join us for fun, Christ-centered gatherings where you can make friends, invite others and grow deeper in your relationship with Christ.
QUESTIONS? Contact Glenda.
The Young Professionals and the InBetweeners are going head-to-head for a legendary Family Feud showdown! Join us for a fun-filled evening that starts with a delicious meal. We'll then break into teams, where the real competition begins. Who will come out on top–the savvy Young Professionals or the experienced InBetweeners? You'll have to find out what the survey says!
Join us for a Euchre card game night! Even if you have no experience playing the game, please come—we have people who have graciously offered to teach anyone interested in learning. There will also be tables set up to play other games, so feel free to bring cards or other games to share. The ping-pong table will be set up too.
Stay tuned for a potluck sign-up!
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi is the author's personal, compelling story of his devout Islamic family heritage and the challenging—and often uncomfortable—journey he took that eventually led Qureshi to receiving Jesus as savior and lord. Learn more about Islamic culture and the Quran, and the many questions, dreams and debates that Qureshi and his closest Christian friend explored during their pursuit of clear, convicting eternal truth.
Senior wellness classes consist of nutrition information and low-impact, low-intensity exercises. The exercises are designed to build strength and stability and support your body’s ability to complete everyday tasks and keep your independence. You are welcome to join any class dates that work for you! Chairs will be available for assistance and support.