If you have questions about accessibility at any of our campuses, please email .
We are thrilled about the newly formed AdaptAbility Team that seeks to adapt perspectives, programs and spaces to include all people of all abilities in the life of Door Creek Church. The AdaptAbility Team desires to serve individuals and families impacted by a physical disability, cognitive challenge, chronic illness or neurodiverse diagnosis. We believe we are ALL image bearers and a vital part of the body of Christ —the local church.
If you are interested in learning more or becoming part of the team, please fill out the interest form.
We’re excited to offer ListenWIFI, an assisted listening app that lets you easily connect your personal assisted listening device to our services. Whether you're attending a service or event at any of our campuses, ListenWIFI ensures a clear and seamless listening experience.
Want to get started? Check out our how-to guides to learn how to connect your device.