Weekly on Sunday at 5:00 pm
The Marriage Course
Sundays, Sept. 29-Nov. 10
5-7:30 PM
The Marriage Course is for any couple, whether you have been together for one year or 61 years and whether you feel you have a strong relationship or are struggling! It is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.
Over seven sessions of the course you will discover practical tools to help you:
- Understand each other's needs
- Communicate more effectively
- Grow closer through resolving conflict
- Heal the ways you've hurt each other
- Recognize how your upbringing affects your relationship
- Improve relationships with parents and in-laws
- Develop greater sexual intimacy
- Discover each other's love languages and much, much more!
If you have a strong marriage, this course will help you make it even better and will reinforce your good habits. If, on the other hand, your marriage is in difficulty, the course will help provide you with very practical tools to help you work through the issues. Some couples who are separated have used the course as a way of trying to get back together. Whatever your situation, the practical tools you learn will help improve and strengthen your relationship.
What Can I Expect?
Each session includes:
- Practical talks that are informative and fun. These will include filmed clips of couples sharing their own experiences and street interviews from around the world.
- Private discussion time as a couple. You will be given topics to discuss (sometimes with the help of an exercise). We will ask that couples mute and turn off their video at this time for privacy.
- No group work, so relax—you will not have to share anything about your relationship with anyone else.
- Homework: At the end of each session you are given some homework to do together. This will help you to build on what you have learned and give you the opportunity to apply it to your relationship. Don't worry—it won't be graded! It isn't looked at by anyone else and is just for your own benefit.
Sprecher Road Campus
Available – $35*
*One time fee per family, not per child, for entire series of class.
QUESTIONS? Please contact Jordan.
Available to all campuses, regardless of what campus you attend or where it is held.